We are dragging around here. Well, those of us in the adult age group. LLSS is full of wonderful, happy energy. So much so that she wants to get up earlier with each passing morning. Mike and I try to ignore her until at least five thirty, but that is getting harder and harder to do. Our daylight hours are rapidly increasing, so now she is going to bed when it is light and waking up when it is light. If this early waking trend continues, I am really not looking forward to June when she could be getting up at dawn (3 am) and trying to stay up until dusk (11 pm). You might soon be able to locate our house by the glare from the aluminum foil covered windows.

What do you get when you combine one mama, forty one insubordinate third graders, and no naps?
A rough day...
For both of us. There's really nothing more soothing than cuddling together on the couch and taking a quick nap before dinner.

On Friday night we made up for our early-to-bed Thursday by playing an invigorating game of
Destroy Mom and Dad's Bed. The rules involve a series of jumps, screeches, laughs, climbs, and whatever new skill Little Lovey Sweet Sweet has developed over the week. For now, the most damage it does is to my eardrums, with all those high-pitched squeals of delight.

Here's LLSS, getting ready for more fun times on the bed. Apparently her pajama top was just too restricting.