We were walking on this just hours before. These were our front deck joists after Mike removed the decking. He was on the other end when these collapsed. These five joists (16 foot 2x10s), some railing, and a few miscellaneous pieces of wood were so soaked with water they weighed 800 pounds at the transfer station. There were huge patches of white rot and little hemlock saplings growing from them.

This is how our baby sleeps: with no covers and a little light reading. Yep, that's an Alaskan Bird field guide. Yesterday before her nap, I heard, "Bird, bird, eagle, bird, bird, owl, owl, owl, bird, bluebird, bird, heron...." We're blaming it on Auntie Sarah, or "Aunt Sissy" as LLSS calls her, the adult version of the bird nerd.

A quick glimpse into the serious business of Poker Night at our house...

This is spinach I collected from the garden and used to make some baby-approved scrambled eggs. I washed and chopped the spinach, added it to a hot skillet with about a tablespoon of olive oil, and wilted it. Then I added a mixture of four eggs, a chopped clove of garlic, milk, cilantro (also from the garden), and some extraordinary smoked king salmon from Bridget and Randy. I managed to capture this "before" photo and one during the cooking process that doesn't appear too appetizing, but none of the final product. It received a "More Eggs" rating from LLSS and entertained Sally for several minutes.