
Everyone Loves a Parade

It's the middle of October and we've experienced our first "cold" weather in the new house. I'm wondering if maybe they didn't have enough money left for insulation in the Great Depression year of 1937. It's pretty chilly in some places, particularly the shower, and if you touch the walls, they are cold. Brrr. Guess we'll all have to toughen up a bit around here. There is also some talk of moving the bedrooms downstairs (it is much quieter and darker and COLDER) since they don't need to be as warm as other rooms. We'll see if we're up to the challenge of hauling the futon, TV, etc up a flight of stairs and bringing a couple dressers down.

Here are a pictures from the past few week.

Clare hanging out on Mom and Dad's bed.

Riding her "horse" while waiting for the Homecoming Parade.
In the kitchen with Dad, likely giving him advice.
Smiley girl with a naked butt. That's why she's looking so cheeky.
Getting into the highchair for some breakfast.