
A Brief Picture Catch-up

Things have been busy around our house, as I'm sure they have been for most people this holiday season. The addition of two new creatures has certainly been fun. LLSS loves the cats, and when I say love, I mean LOVE! She hugs and kisses and pets and basically pesters them all day long. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be enough to have changed their sleep patterns to not include several romps, fights, chases, etc. during the night.

I am working (you see, very hard right now) on the last lesson for my distance class and hope to have it finished by the end of the weekend so I don't have to think about it during Christmas. I figure I've procrastinated long enough and now is the time. That, and it is due no later than Jan 10.

I've also started tutoring a first grader in reading three days a week after school. It is going well and I am loving direct instruction once again. I never forget how amazing it is, I'm just amazed anew each time it works so well for a student.

Here is LLSS, obviously enjoying her dinner and probably some antics of mine or her dad.
Here is the lovely Handsome Gavin (for Gavin Hill in Sitka).
Here is the beautiful Taz (for the Tazimina River in Nondalton). I think Clare was reading her a story.
This is Christmas Tree Quality Control Team Weiser. Notice the lack of snow. We missed it by a week!
And this is one of my all-time favorite pictures. I just love how happy they both look. The Advent Calendar has been a HUGE hit!
More to come.


The Prancing and Pawing of Eight Little....

Paws. Kitty paws. Four black paws and four orange paws. Much to the delight of LLSS.

We are now the proud parents of a two two-year-olds and a four-year-old. Our second two-year-old is a male flame tip siamese with blue eyes named Handsome Gavin. He is a love. A bit shy, but in desperate need of much attention throughout the day. He seems to be warming up quite a bit. Our new four-year-old is a black beauty with brilliant yellow eyes named Tazimina, Taz the Spaz for short. She is very affectionate and quite playful. Clare loves them both!

Pictures soon.


What to do When There is NO NAP!

Day Three with no naps around here. So LLSS and I created the new banner at the top of the blog. Well, I asked her what she wanted me to draw, and "Santa" was the first thing out of her mouth. So, while it might not be my best PAINT creation, it was fun to do it with a wee bit of inspiration!