
Morning Logic

"It looks like the little man just woke up from his nap."

"I think that's because someone is so loud and noisy."

"Uh-huh. Who do you think that might be?"

"Well, Mom, I think it might be you. Of course."

Of course!


Other Beautiful Things

Finn has found his thumb! The slurping is LOUD...
We can sit him up for pictures now.
There is still a bit of a size difference! He's working hard to catch up. I think he has grown about four inches in the last three months and put on at least six pounds.
Improvised red pockets for the sweatshirt that lacked them. Felted sweater and a zigzag stitch made for one very happy little girl.

There are days when I am overwhelmed by what Clare does with color. It is amazing what her brain, untainted by expectation, allows her to put together. The blocks above are a great example. I just stumbled upon these, almost literally, in the living room the other day. All those greens stacked on one side, all the whites on the other. The colors lined up so beautifully on top of the black cylinders. It is so simple, so beautiful, so pure to me. And I love it. Just as much as I appreciated the beautiful erasers (two posts ago) made even better with the addition of colorful plastic beads. And this little potholder is going to someone who needs a bit of a colorful pick-me-up! The piecing was fun on the front and I really liked quilting it this way although it was a bit intimidating starting from the outside and working my way toward the center. I wasn't sure if I was going to end up with a huge blob in the middle. This potholder has a buddy in different colors although it seems I have failed to photograph that one as of yet. And that is the back pictured below.


There is a camera built on our new computer. It makes for fun baby watching for the Finn Man.



Finn Man
Loves naked time
Big sister entertainment
Clare at Finn's current age - a wee bit more hair

"Making beautiful things."


February Updates

Let's start with the wee one. Finn is growing like a chubby weed. He has more chins than he knows what to do with, can't even begin to fit into anything with a 3 month size label, and has creases and rolls that never existed on Clare. He has a bright, willing smile and he is not afraid to use it. He sleeps through the night, is starting to take on the two-nap-a-day schedule, and has a smooth, even temperament. I like to refer to him as "textbook". This child is seriously one dreamy baby!

Clare oscillates between complete independence and being seriously needy. While she has adjusted quite well, there are a few telltale signs that she is not 100% pleased with losing some of the attention once available for just her. The biggest sign is her new-found love of sleeper pajamas (like the baby wears). She would stay in a suit all day and all night if it were up to her. Okay, most days she does if we don't have anywhere to go. Perhaps it is bad parenting, but why cause a fight over something like clothing when we are just going to be hanging out inside and playing board games, coloring, or reading stories? She is a whiz at puzzles and loves to build all sorts of things with blocks. She is becoming so creative in the stories she tells and the way she plays with different things. I love observing her from afar when she is unaware of my intrusions into her own little world of make-believe. She has a boatload of imaginary friends.

We adults spend most of our free time thanking our lucky stars each and every night that we are not dealing with the sleep deprivation that we did when Clare was a wee one.