To the basement, that is. We spent our first night in our new bedrooms in the basement last night. It was a restless first night for me (migraine-the fifth or sixth in the past eight days) but a good night sleep for Mike and Clare. LLSS woke up early but managed to snuggle between Mike and I for another hour and a half. Aside from leaving me about three and a half inches on my side of the bed, it was mighty nice of her.
Here's our typical morning conversation:
"Clare's ready for dinner."
"Are you ready for breakfast?"
"It's time to get out of bed. Mama, get out of bed."
"ummm, ahhhh"
"Daddy, turn off the alarm. Turn it off."
"Clare, Daddy will get up with you."
"MAMA! Time to get up."
(Refraining from swearing) "Okay, I'm getting up."
And so it goes. Even when my loving husband is eager to get up early with the little girl, she still needs the company of both of us. Ocassionally he is able to persuade her to come to the kitchen with him, but within five minutes she is back in the bedroom, pulling on my hand, yelling at the bed, or using the power of tears to drag me from my slumber. I really miss sleeping in. Really. Miss. Sleeping. In.