With a turn in the weather from lovely Indian Summer to drizzly fall, November has arrived in Weiser. Last night we went trick-or-treating with Little Lovey Sweet Sweet. Although she was quiet at times, she did manage a "trick-or-treat" and a "thank-you" at every house we visited. She also mumbled, "BUMBLEBEE!" under her breath every time someone misidentified her as a butterfly or a fairy.

Here we are, pre-trick-or-treating. LLSS dressed up for a trip to the post office and the store. Kind of a dress rehearsal of sorts.

Dressed up and waiting for slow Mom and Dad to get their butts in gear to take LLSS trick-or-treating already!

Post trick-or-treating, loaded up with candy and a little bit on the tired side. Naps really aren't necessary of exciting days like Halloween. At least she slept well last night!
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