This is some bread I made from my favorite More With Less recipe. Honey Whole Wheat. If I use the dough to make two loaves they come out too large to store conveniently, the slices don't fit in any of our lunch containers, and we end up wasting some. So I've taken to baking it in thirds: two regualar loaves and something sweet with the remaining third. Last time I made cinnamon rolls but was feeling a bit lazier this time so I rolled out the dough, spinkled it with a lot of cinnamon and a bit of sugar, rolled it back up and baked it as a loaf. It's pretty darn delicious toasted up with a little butter.

And this... This is the second doll quilt in what I am assuming will be quite a large series. This one is for Curious George. Baby Jane Doe was the first to receive one and there is a long list of potential candidates wait for one. I really like the simplicity of this one and it used very little material. Plus, I'm getting a wee bit savvier when it comes to piecing, saving some time and frustration. I'm hoping to have this finished today or tomorrow so I can start on another baby quilt.
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