So, what have we been doing?
- Our anatomy ultrasound went great. The baby looks healthy, the heart was amazing to watch in action, and the little munchkin is super active. Also, I've notice there are patterns starting to emerge. One day will be fairly quiet, the next my torso will be under constant attack. Constant. Those are the worst heartburn days, of course.
- Our attempt at getting out and enjoying a musical weekend at Targhee Fest was defeated by illness throughout the family unit. We just weren't bold enough to brave 90 degree heat, a vomiting baby with a fever, our own ailments, outhouse facilities, and camping on the ground as well. Call us crazy!
- The following weekend we did drive over to Bend to visit Uncle Jimmy and Auntie J-Dog. Their house cools down at night! And they have a tiny kitten who was lovingly harrassed by Clare the entire time we were there. Jessita showed me how to rework my knitting when I've made a crucial error. Thanks! We went on a very short hike in the mountains with waterfalls and beautiful scenery. Jim cooked up some wonderful food on the grill. It was relaxed and fun and just the thing we needed after being sick. Thanks you two!
- And, totally out of sequence, in mid-June we went to Gig Harbor for cousin Megan's wedding (not sure if I blogged about this before and way to lazy to check). We took a trip to the zoo while we were there. The highlights for Clare were feeding and brushing the goats, riding on the carousel, and playing on the playground. She also drew the picture of Mike (below) while we were there.
Clare's wonderful Daddy

Mike and Clare on the zoo slide

Brushing the goat

In the budgie exhibit

She's picked out her horse and she's ready to ride

Feeding the goat

Going to see the elephants

Watching the birds and fish with Sara

Just finishing up lunch with Lisa and Sara

Everyone's looking for something - Clare, Kyle, and Eve

Helping Eve blow out eggs for the big 16th b-day

Throw me the stick, throw me the stick! The Kenai River

Painting rocks at Linda's house

Bouncing on the big balls with Linda

This final picture truly illustrates what I love about Alaska. There's just such an overwhelming sense of freedom, the ability to feel like a child and enjoy all the wonderful aspects of nature with a healthy respect for the power it holds as well. Everyone should walk on a shade filtered path, moving at your own speed, dragging a stick in the dust, just because you can, as often as you can! Thanks so very much to Kyle, Lisa, and Eve, for letting Clare and I feel like this for seventeen wonderful days! We love you and we miss you and the rest of our Alaskan friends so much already!
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