
Weekend Camping Trip

A few weekends back, we loaded the truck full of camping gear and headed out into the woods. Camping with an eight month old is an interesting endeavor, but it was so worth it to spend some time in the mountains. The views were breathtaking. The air was clean. It even got a little chilly at night. Luckily there were four of us snuggled up in our tent so it didn't get too cold. The little man was in the midst of a long teething episode which kept him up for a good part of the night, thus keeping his mama up as well. I got to watch the moon travel from one horizon to the other and hear the calling of several owls, which almost made up for a good night's sleep. The next morning we took a nice little interpretive hike around Sheep Rock. It was a half-mile loop perfectly suited to three-year-old legs.

Sheep Rock Trail

View from Sheep Rock

More trail

Looking down into Hell's Canyon

View and rocks at the campsite

Camping under a full moon

Clare can roll her tongue like a pro!

The freedom of the woods

Family portrait at the campsite

Finn before he tried to eat piles of dirt and tons of sticks

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