
Introducing Finn

It Would Have Been a Great Week at the Ranch

Last Monday, the sweetest little baby boy joined our family. His name is Finn and we cannot get enough of him. He weighed eight pounds two ounces and was 21 inches long. Today, one week later, he weighs four ounces more. He is a champion nurser. Pretty much a pro from the start. He has the softest, roundest head, the cutest little tummy, and the wrinkliest old man feet. He sleeps, eats, poops, occasionally stares us down, and snuggles like there is nothing better in the world.

Here are a few photos of our first week together.

Blogger didn't like my formatting and turned a few of these pictures. Sorry about that!

As a side note, and an explanation to the subtitle of this post, I was able to watch a bit of TV in the hospital. Since I don't regularly watch any shows it was a bit challenging to find something that I could just jump right into: enter Biggest Loser! It's pretty likely that I would have been safe from elimination this week. My total weight loss percentage for the last seven days is a whopping 12%. Of course I have little or no concern for that number on the scale at this point, but it still intrigues me!

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