
60 Posts 60 Days: Day 44

Two For One

Today Clare and I both had doctor's appointments. Week 37 for me. Three year well child check for her. Somehow, at this point, Mike and I have a tall child. She is in the 75th percentile for height, 50th percentile for weight. She also refused to have her blood pressure checked, had to be bribed so the doctor could look in her ears, cried the entire time the nurse and the doctor were listening to her heart, and needed tactics of gentle persuasion in order to be weighed and measured. On the other hand, I was quite cooperative. Things are looking good on my end. Eighteen days until the due date. Good fetal movement and heart rate. Although I feel like someone has beat my pelvis with a baseball bat I think that is normal. So now it is pretty much down to the waiting game.

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